













2003.9-2006.7 暨南大学 分析化学 硕士

2006.7-2009.07 中国科学院海洋研究所环境科学博士

2009.08- 2014.5 暨南大学 赤潮与海洋生物学研究中心 讲师/副研究员

2014.08- 2020.12 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 副研究员







5.中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所基本科研业务费“学科与团队发展项目”,养殖贝类对浮游植物选择性摄食规律及环境效应研究, 2018.1-2020.12,主持,结题


7. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,海洋卡盾藻溶血毒素组成、化学结构及产毒的环境调控机制研究,项目批准号41106090,2012.1-2014.12,主持,结题


1.Binxu Liu, Ningning Song,Tao Jiang*,Juan Wu, Lei Zhang, Wei Ge, Chao Chai. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in surface sediments from fishing ports along the coast of Bohai Sea, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin,2021,164: 112037.

2.Guowang Yan,Tao Jiang*, Yaya Zhang, Zhengguo Cui, Keming Qu, Yaoyang Zheng, Lin Lu, Yu Li. Determining temporal and spatial distribution of autotrophic picoplankton community composition through HPLC-pigment method and flow cytometry in the central Bohai Sea (China).Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020,157: 111261

3.Huizhu Pan,Aifang Li,Zhengguo Cui, Dongsheng Ding, Keming Qu, Yaoyang Zheng, Lin Lu,Tao Jiang*,Tianjiu Jiang.A comparative study of phytoplankton community structure and biomass determined by HPLC-CHEMTAX and microscopic methods during summer and autumn in the central Bohai Sea, China.Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020, 155: 111172

4.Baiqiang Huang, Yanlan Liang, Huizhu Pan, Lei Xie,Tao Jiang*,Tianjiu Jiang.Hemolytic and cytotoxic activity from cultures of Aureococcus anophagefferens—a causative species of brown tides in the north-western Bohai Sea, China.Chemosphere,2020, 247: 125819

5.Tao Jiang, Longhua Wang, Fuchong Zhang, Xiao Zhang, Lin Lu, Jihong Zhang, Wei Wang, Keming Qu, Chao Chai. Selective feeding of bay scallop Argopecten irradians on phytoplankton community revealed by HPLC analysis of phytopigments in Bohai Sea, China. Journal of Limnology and Oceanography, 2019, 37(5): 1746-1755

6.Shu Yang, Zhengguo Cui, Yong Zhang,Tao Jiang*, Qian Yang, Yao Sun. Phytoplankton pigments in surface sediments in the northwest of the Bohai Sea, China: Potential implications for sediment deposition of brown tides ofAureococcus anophagefferensin coastalwaters.Ecological Indicators,2019,102:145–153

7.Ting-Bin Hao#,Tao Jiang#,Hong-Po Dong, Lin-jian Ou, Xiang He and Yu-Feng Yang.Light-harvesting protein Lhcx3 is essential for high light acclimation ofPhaeodactylum tricornutum.AMB Express,2018,8:174

8.Lin Lu#,Tao Jiang#,Yong Xu, Yaoyang Zheng, Bijuan Chen, Zhengguo Cui, Keming Qu.Succession of phytoplankton functional groups from spring to early summer in the central Bohai Sea using HPLC–CHEMTAX approaches.Journal of Oceanography. 2018,74: 381-392

9.Longhua Wang, Linjian Ou, Kaixuan Huang, Chao Chai, Zhaohui Wang, Xiaomin Wang,Tao Jiang*.Determination of the spatial and temporal variability of phytoplankton community structure in Daya Bay via HPLC–CHEMTAX pigment analysis.Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2018,36(3): 750-760

10.Tao Jiang, Lei Liu, Yang Li, Jing Zhang, Zhijun Tan,Haiyan Wu,Tianjiu Jiang, Songhui Lu.Occurrence of marine algal toxins in oyster and phytoplankton samples in Daya Bay, South China Sea. Chemosphere, 2017,183:80-88

11.Tao Jiang, Feiyu Chen, Zonghe Yu, Lin Lu, Zhaohui Wang. Size-dependent depletion and community disturbance of phytoplankton under intensive oyster mariculture based on HPLC pigment analysis in Daya Bay, South China Sea. Environmental Pollution, 2016,219: 804-814

12.Tao Jiang,Chao Chai,Jifang Wang,Ling Zhang,Jingyi Cen,Songhui Lu. Temporal and Spatial Variations of Phycocyanin- and Phycoerythrin-rich Synechococcus in the Pearl River Estuary,Journal of Ocean University of China, 2016, 15(5), 897-904

13.Tao Jiang, Zonghe Yu, Zhanhui Qi, Chao Chai and Keming Qu. Effects of intensive mariculture on the sediment environment as revealed by phytoplankton pigments in a semi-enclosed bay, South China Sea. Aquaculture Research, 2017,48(4):1923–1935

14.Chao Chai,Tao Jiang*, Jingyi Cen, Wei Ge, Songhui Lu. Phytoplankton pigments and functional community structure in relation to environmental factors in the Pearl River Estuary. Oceanologia, 2016, 58: 201-211


上一条:赵晓栋 下一条:陈春涛

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